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Established in Dandridge in 1989 and has been conducting real estate transactions in the area for over 30 years.

Jefferson Title

Real Estate Closing

This service ensures a smooth and legally compliant transfer of property ownership by managing all final steps of the real estate transaction process, including document preparation and funds exchange.

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House in Tennessee
Title Signing

Jefferson Title

Witness Closing

Provides official witnesses for the signing of critical closing documents, ensuring that all legal requirements are met for a valid and enforceable real estate transaction.

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Jefferson Title

Mobile Closings

Designed for convenience, this service allows clients to complete their real estate transactions at any location, offering a flexible solution for buyers, sellers, and refinancers who cannot attend a traditional closing.

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Jefferson Title Inc Vehicle
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Jefferson Title

Curing Title Defects

Identifies and resolves any defects or issues with the property title, clearing the way for a secure transfer of ownership without future legal complications.

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Jefferson Title

Title Exams

A critical step in property transactions, this service involves a detailed examination of the property's title history to uncover any legal impediments, liens, or encumbrances that could affect ownership.

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Jefferson Title

Title Insurance – Owners and Lenders

Offers comprehensive title insurance policies for both property owners and lenders, protecting against losses from title defects, liens, and other encumbrances.

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Jefferson Title

Obtaining / Preparing Lien Releases

This service ensures that any liens against the property are properly addressed and released, preparing clean documentation to facilitate a smooth transaction and transfer of title.

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Signing a Will Photo

Jefferson Title

Estate Conveyances

Manages the transfer of real property from estates to buyers, ensuring compliance with legal requirements and the intentions of the will or trust.

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Jefferson Title

Warranty Deeds

Offers the preparation and execution of warranty deeds, providing buyers with the highest level of protection by guaranteeing the seller holds clear title to the property and has the right to sell it.

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